Two young children smile as they share a heart-shaped Valentine’s Day treat. Text reads: 'Mommy Moments - Teaching Little Ones About God’s Love on Valentine’s Day.'

Teaching Little Ones About God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

Teaching Little Ones About God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

God’s Love: The Greatest Valentine

One of my favorite mommy moments with my children is of Valentine’s Day. During their elementary school years we had a tradition of shopping for Valentine's Day cards for their classmates, which they generally handed out to each person during the school day. We would eagerly hop from store to store, seeking the most captivating themes and enjoying the amusement of the witty messages. Then, we’d add a personal touch to each card with lollipops, candy hearts, and stickers. The thrill peaked and filled their hearts with joy when they returned home to read through the cards they received in return, their faces beaming with happiness.

Admittedly, the annual Valentine’s Day card exchange tradition was all innocent fun for them as children, a time of pure joy and laughter. But now, as a mature Christian mom, I realize I missed some significant teaching moments. Sure, Valentine’s Day is a special time to share laughter and sweet messages. But it's also an excellent opportunity to teach our children about the greatest love of all - our Mighty God, whose love is pure, unconditional, and everlasting. Our Father, whose love is far more precious than any box of chocolates or bouquet. It’s a love that never fades, one that our children can always rely on, no matter what.

Love Never Fades

Chocolates are eaten, flowers wither, and cards get tucked away in a drawer, but God’s love stands the test of time. It never fades, never weakens, and never runs out. Jeremiah 31:3 beautifully reassures us: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” This powerful truth can comfort children, reminding them that they are cherished beyond measure, no matter what.

As Christian parents, we have the privilege and responsibility of teaching our little ones about this incredible love, helping them build a strong foundation in faith that will guide them throughout their lives. Sharing God’s love with your children will bring joy and inspiration to your parenting journey. Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to make learning about God’s love engaging and meaningful for them.

Here are some simple, yet impactful ways to help them experience and share His love.

  1. Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt
    Make the Word of God come alive by writing love-themed Bible verses on heart-shaped cards. Place them around the house—on their pillow, in their lunchbox, or on the bathroom mirror—for little surprises throughout the day. Some great verses include:

    • We love because He first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19
    • God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that, whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16
    • Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God. ~ Romans 8:39 –
    • My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. ~ John 15:12

    These simple yet profound verses can help instill a deep understanding of God’s love in young hearts.

  2. Acts of Kindness
    Love is best shown through action. Encourage your children to express love through simple acts of kindness:

    • Helping a sibling with chores
    • Making a handmade card for a friend or family member
    • Saying kind words and offering compliments
    • Praying for someone in need

    These small but meaningful gestures teach children that love is more than words—it’s something we actively show to others, just as God shows His love to us.
  3. Love-Themed Crafts
    Creative activities make learning about God’s love fun! Here are a few ideas:

    • Heart-Shaped Paper Chain – Write things your child loves about God or ways they see His love in their life on paper hearts and link them together to make a chain.
    • Handprint Love Tree – Use their handprint as the tree trunk and add heart-shaped leaves with things they love about family, friends, and God.
    • Scripture Valentine Cards – Have your child create and decorate Valentine’s cards with Bible verses to give to friends, teachers, or neighbors as a way to share God’s love.
  4. Special Prayer Time (Add “Special” to the bullet in the newsletter to be consistent)
    Set aside a few moments on Valentine’s Day to pray together as a family. Encourage your child to thank God for His incredible love and ask Him to help them show love to others. Here’s a simple prayer you can say together:

    “Dear God, thank You for loving us with an everlasting love. Help us to share that love with others through kindness, compassion, and joy. Remind us that Your love is always with us, no matter what. Amen.”

Making Valentine’s Day Meaningful

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion, but God’s love isn’t meant to be celebrated on just one day—it’s a sweet reminder of God’s love for us always. By using this holiday as a teaching moment, we help our children grow in faith, understanding that they are deeply loved by the One who created them.

So, this Valentine’s Day, let’s go beyond the candy and gifts. Let’s fill our children’s hearts with the unshakable truth that they are cherished, chosen, and loved by God—forever.

Happy Valentine’s Day!